Monday 25 October 2010

Exercises - Practise with Illustrator

As i've only really used Adobe Illustrator for creating vectors and deleting anchor points within vectors, being given the oppertunity to play around with the features that it can offer was quite fun. I've had some experience with Adobe Photoshop, so understanding the interface wasn't too difficult. From playing around with the programme while completing the exercises given, I was able to find out about the 3D effect which you can create with the objects that you place within the document.

After creating different shapes, changing the alignment of them and rotation, I then changed the colours so that they were similar in terms of the colour palette. The outcome was a creation of some creature that I named the 'Star Ninja'. A comical creation, although an educational one for me, as I learnt some new things within Adobe Illustrator from it, such as changing colours, putting shapes into some formation, and ensuring that objects placed were centered within the document.

Not a lot was learnt from this task, although I did gain some knowledge on the different colour palette options available, and how it was good that the choice of colours changed as you made the colour in the swatch of the tools tray or the object different.

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