Sunday 31 October 2010

Learning some new tools in Illustrator

As a test of what we had learnt with Illustrator so far and from the online tutorials we then re-created the fenchurch logo. It was done by placing the stock image that we then worked from and then lowered the opacity. Then we created a new layer and then begun working on the arch shape. We drew a circle and then used the direct selection tool to then delete points of the circle to then only have a quarter of it, which would then make the arch of the fenchurch logo. I then chose the pen tool and drew a straight line from the curve to go down, then creating one of the six arches. I then replicated the curve twice to then create half of the logo, which was then mirrored to create the full image. I then flattened the image so that it would be a vector of the actual logo than all of the different lines.

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