Monday 18 October 2010

Visual intelligence

Everything that you see, on an advert or on the TV has been placed there for a reason. Colours weren't put there for the sake of it, there is a hidden meaning, such as an emotion they are trying to convey or an atmosphere they are trying to represent.

There are ways which we find quicker to understand what the form of media means. For example, an A4-sized page of text would take longer to interpret what it meant than an A4-sized poster which had an image of what the text was tryign to describe. So the visual aspect of what you create is important, as you have to consider where the viewer will look first, and what type of media would be best to use for the right task.

We spoke about what is required within this year's breif, and what animatics are. Basically they are similar to a hand drawn version of a comic strip, but on the computer and animated. It's just a plan of what the intentions of the video are, in terms of transitions, camera shots, visualisations etc. A good example is one by the gorillaz and the song called "Dare", which was made before the creation of their music video.
If you compare the two links below you can see how they are similar, and how the animatic used worked very well as it has the same locations and events as those used in the final video.

The animatic:

The final version of the video:

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