Friday 29 October 2010

Ideas for assignment

I had a look at some of the work from last year on the flickr account that we'll be using to post our assignment onto. This then gave me some ideas for what I could use for my own. I managed to find a blog post for soem interesting fonts ( but for ones which are simplistic and useable, the website '' is possibly the easiest option to find some which I can use, as they are all free, and there are easy search options.
Habara - stylish, for surname

All over again - represent lifestyle and also for use of letter 'K' of name to emphasis on how it's often spelt with a C by accident.

Minus - another handwritten font for use of the capital 'K'. Will need to decide which of the two I will use for my digital signature.

Brankovic - another handwritten one, but with lower case option, as I want to emphasis on the K being in capitals rather than the whole of the first name. The use of handwritten for the first name is to compare with the surname being in a neater, more stylish font to show the different sides of my personality.

Other possible alternatives for surname font;


Thick Deco


For my surname I really just wanted something that looked stylish, to represent how I tend to try to make improvements with things, but also to shwo the importance of my family name to me.

From the research I think I will usea mix of all over again and brankovic for my first name, as in my opinion the first name is more important for several reasons;
1. It's your first name
2. It is the name that people will refer to you as

Therefore, first impressions are important, therefore i'll use it to show my personality and to also show the importance of the letter 'K'. The surname will possibly be a mix of the four fonts, or possibly cutting it down to two. The reason for choosing multiple fonts will be to show how I have a tendency to want to collect things.

In terms of the layout, I will more than likely place it somewhere in the center of the page and in 2 lines, one right underneath the other. This will be to condradict with the messy font chosen for my first name, to kind of show that I can be lazy and messy at times, but intentionally I try to be tidy and organised. But most importantly, to show that i'm a perfectionist, and I like to make things I create look good!

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